Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (6/13/24) (2024)

The Bang Bang Gang may have the unified AEW & ROH World Trios Championships, but FOUR trios fight to take one step closer to taking their own shot! Who rises up out of this dirty dozen to be the ones?


  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Grounds: Billie Starkz VS Sandra Moone; Billie wins and denies Moone a title match.
  • Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty VS Nick Comoroto & Jacoby Watts; Shane & Lee win.
  • Red Velvet VS Viva Van; Velvet wins.
  • Trios Four Corner Survival: Lance Archer & The Righteous VS Action Andretti & Top Flight VS The Dark Order VS Dalton Castle & The Infantry; Action & Top Flight win.
  • Six Woman Tag: Marina Shafir, Alex Windsor & Diamante VS Abadon, Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch; Shafir, Windsor & Diamante win.
  • Trish Adora VS Harley Cameron; Harley wins.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Kingdom VS Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera; The Kingdom wins and denies Tito & Che a title match.


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Grounds: Billie Starkz VS Sandra Moone!

Athena’s Minion is still stacking up wins while stacking up bodies, but now she runs into the Subspace Sweetheart, who was also part of that Women’s World TV title tournament. Will Moone find a way toeclipse the Star(kz)? Or will Billie make her Overlord proud by going 11-0?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally. The two approach, Billie dodges the haymaker to BOOT Moone! Billie grins, whips Moone to a corner, then runs in. Moone dodges, says eat her space dust, and she CROSSBODIES in the corner! Moone goes to the apron, runs Billie side to side to bum her off buckles, then hurries back in. Moone winds up, but Billie gets under the lariat. Billie waistlocks, Moone pries the hold, but Billie pulls hair! The ref reprimands, but Billie cravats to KNEE SMASH! Moone falls over, the fans cheer, and Billie reels Moone in. Billie snap suplexes Moone, covers, TWO!

Billie watches Moone go to a corner, then fires off forearm after forearm! The ref counts, Billie snapmares Moone, then KICKS her in the back! Moone writhes, the fans fire up, and Billie says the kick was good. Billie stalks Moone, kicks her around, taunts her, and brings her up. Moone ROCKS Billie, Billie DECKS Moone! Billie puts Moone in a corner, whips corner to corner, and Moone hits buckles hard! Billie stomps away on Moone, then gets in the ref’s face as he counts at her. Billie storms back after Moone, whips corner to corner, but Moone stops herself! Moone ELBOWS Billie down, then hurries up on her.

Billie trips Moone, rains down furious forearms, but the ref reprimands Billie on how she’s holding Moone down by her neck! Billie tells the ref not to tell her what to do! The fans fire up and Billie snarls as she goes back to Moone. Billie clamps onto Moone for the motorcycle stretch! Moone endures, fights up, arm-drags free, and then blocks a lariat to ELBOW! And ROLLING ELBOW! Moone wrenches, CLUBS away on Billie, and then steps over. Moone says finger licking good, and she MULE KICKS Billie right down! Billie bails out, fans fire up as Moone builds speed, and she DIVES! Not the cleanest but Billie still falls!

Moone puts Billie in, covers, TWO! Moone grows frustrated and pounds the mat. The fans rally behind her, Moone runs corner to corner at Billie, but Billie puts up her boots. Moone blocks, but gets the REBOUND ENZIGIRI! Moone is down, Billie goes up, but Moone rises! SHORYUKEN! Moone climbs up, brings Billie up, but Billie fights with body shots! Billie then SMACKS Moone off the top buckle, reels her in, and gives her a SUPER GOURD BUSTER! Moone is down, Billie grins and adjusts. But then she hops down just to deny the fans their fun! The fans boo but Billie clamps onto Moone with the HALF NELSON CHINBAR! Moone taps, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by submission (denies Sandra Moone a title opportunity)

Moone put up a fight but Starkz still shines as she checks another one off the list. But will Billie be in for a fight when ROH goes to Arlington, Texas for Death Before Dishonor?

Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty VS Nick Comoroto & Jacoby Watts!

Shane Taylor Promotions plans to tear through anyone and everyone in their way to the top of both ROH and AEW. Will they do just that here tonight? Or will HE, Jacoby, finally lead the Wrecking Ball to a victory?

Comoroto starts for his team, as he has before, and offers a handshake for the Code of Honor. Lee Moriarty starts and just gets in Comoroto’s face. Comoroto does his best to smile and shrug that off, and the two circle. They feel things out, but Lee KICKS a leg. Comoroto shrugs that off, too, and the two circle more. Fans chant “S, T, P! S, T, P!” Lee KICKS, applauds, and dares Comoroto to take a swing. Comoroto does, Lee avoids it, but then Comoroto blocks a kick! So Lee KNEES free! Lee fires up, runs, and forearms Comoroto, but Comoroto HEADBUTTS Lee down! Comoroto applauds and the fans join in.

Comoroto trophy lifts Lee, does some quick pumps, then SLAMS Lee down! Tag to Jacoby and this is the first time we’ve seen him do anything in weeks! Jacoby FLAPJACKS Lee off the apron, but then asks for a microphone? Jacoby says, “My friends, my followers, my faithful flock right here in Las Vegas, Nevada, praise be to HE! And HE is ME.” The fans boo instead. Jacoby goes back to Lee, puts him in, and tags Comoroto. Wow, that was all? Comoroto wrenches Lee, Lee kicks free, and he tags in Shane! The fans fire up for Big Bad Shaney T. Boy, and he steps to Comoroto. Shane SLAPS Comoroto!

Fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” as Shane eggs Comoroto on. Comoroto shoves Shane, Shane shoves back, and they RAM shoulders! Shane nods, runs, and RAMS Comoroto! “MEAT!” Comoroto RAMS back! “MEAT!” Shane JABS, eggs Comoroto on, so Comoroto runs in! Shane throws Comoroto out! Jacoby encourages Comoroto, and the fans fire up, too! Comoroto skins the cat! But then Shane is there, to bob ‘n’ weave and HEADBUTT! And URENAGE! And SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Comoroto is still in this but Shane tags Lee. Lee runs to BOOT Jacoby, but that upsets Comrooto! Comoroto CLOBBERS Lee, BLASTS Shane, then scoops Lee!

Comoroto spins and SLAMS Lee, runs up and JUMP ELBOW DROPS! The fans fire up with Comoroto, and he says “Save us, Jacoby~!” Comoroto runs in at the corner to SPLASH, then Jacoby tags in! POWERSLAM, Jacoby takes the pin, TWO!! Lee survives because Jacoby took too long, and now Jacoby tags Comoroto back in. Lee runs up to SHOTGUN Jacoby! Comoroto is mad again, and he scoops Lee. Lee slips free, tags Shane, and then baits Comoroto in! BUCKLE SHOT! Shane waits on Comoroto to get up, and then KNOCKOUT PUNCH! Cover, STP wins!

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions, by pinfall

Lee takes Jacoby’s cowboy hat to do a dance, then throws it away. Will ROH soon belong to STP from top to bottom?

Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie speak.

La Wera Loca says over the course of the last year and a half, yes, she has had wins and losses, faced some of the best women in the world, and has nothing but respect for each and every one. But one is just… getting under her skin! Queen Aminata~! Queen? So she gave herself a crown? You can’t do that! Aminata’s not a real queen! Taya earned the iconic title of Reina De Reinas (Queen of Queens), earned the nickname “Ratings Queen,” andearned the nickname, “The Main Character.” Aminata is a fraud! And quite annoying. So it doesn’t matter that Aminata beat Taya in the tournament, this is a warning.

Taya will wipe that smug smile off Aminata’s face, and kick that ass off her throne! Watch your back. Johnny says nice one. Mr. & Mrs. TV are ready, but will Aminata just have to beat Taya again?

Trios Four Corner Survival: Lance Archer & The Righteous VS Action Andretti & Top Flight VS The Dark Order VS Dalton Castle & The Infantry!

Well, they’re in Las Vegas, so ROH sees last week’s Trios Triple Threat and raises it another trio! It’s a Dirty Dozen in Sin City, but who will hit the jackpot on these 25% odds?

The Peaco*ck argues with the Murderhawk Monster, but then steps down as the teams sort out. In this kind of Fatal 4, only two teams are legal at one time, and it is The Sight to See that starts against Alex Reynolds. The Code of Honor is upheld, but then Alex trips Action at the bell! Things speed up, Action hurdles but Alex leaps over! Things keep moving, Action bypasses, and he handsprings through Alex’s hip toss! Action snapmares Alex, then slides, but Alex ducks the Penalty Kick to roll Action up! ONE, and Action arm-drags Alex! Then JAPANESE ARM-DRAGS, then DROPKICKS! The fans cheer, and Action wrenches Alex’s arm.

Action brings Alex over, tags in Darius, and Darius takes the handoff to wrench. Darius whips, Alex reverses, but Darius turns arm-drag into backslide, ONE! Alex runs up, into the arm-drag! Darius has the armlock, then he wrenches. Tag to Dante, he CLUBS an arm and snapmares Alex down, for Darius to basem*nt dropkick the arm! The fans cheer, Dante covers, ONE! Dante keeps on the arm, tags Action, and Action takes the handoff to snapmare, then ghost pin! TWO, but Action whips. Alex reverses, Action ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Alex ELBOWS Action down! The fans cheer, and Alex bumps Action off buckles to tag Silver.

Silver tags Uno, the fans cheer and Dark Order whips Uno in to SPLASH Action! Uno then feeds Action to a double hip toss, cradle and DOUBLE FACEBUSTER! Alex & Uno get Action up, then Silver hops on! The Dark Order flexes while holding Action down, and then Silver & Reynolds step away for Uno to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Uno keeps on Action, ROCKS him with a right, then whips him to ropes. Action rolls off Uno’s back but Carlie Bravo tags in off him! Action bails out, Bravo runs in, then dodges Uno to JAB! JAB! JAB! Uno shoves, Bravo ducks and gets around, to JAB, JAB, JAB!

Uno shoves again, Bravo gets around again, full nelson and spin, but Uno shouts “STOP~!” Then he ROCKS Bravo with a right! The fans fire up, Uno whips, but Bravo jukes and dodges, mule kick to the leg! Tag to Captain Shawn Dean and he STEP-IN KNEE STRIKES Uno down! Reynolds runs up, The Infantry dodges and Castle is in, to get around and SLAM him! The fans fire up as The Infantry and Castle pose together. But then Archer & The Righteous attack! The ref reprimands but they knock down The Infantry as well as Castle, and even the rest of The Dark Order! Vincent feeds Uno to Dutch for the SCRAPBUSTER!

Top Flight storms in but Archer BOOTS Darius, SLAMS Dante, then sends Darius to the SCRAPBUSTER! Action runs up but into a SIDEWALK SLAM! Archer hauls Bravo up into a dragon sleeper but Dean CLUBS him! Archer just frowns, and then he grabs Dean by the neck! CHOKE SLAM DDT COMBO! The fans fire up, and Vinnie snaps his fingers. SLIDING FLATLINER on Uno! Vinnie tags himself in off Uno, then runs up on Dean. Dean fires body shots and forearms, then whips. Vinnie reverses, both men run, and Vinnie CLOBBERS Dean! Vinnie drags Dean up and over, bumps him off buckles and fires body shots!

Tag to Dutch and Dutch UPPERCUTS Dean! Castle protests but Archer smothers Dean! Dutch smiles and snaps his suspenders, before running in, into a BOOT! Dean ELBOWS Vinnie, ELBOWS Archer, dodges Dutch, hot tag to Castle! The fans fire up for The Peaco*ck as he blocks a shot and BACK ELBOWS Dutch! Castle catches Alex to EXPLODER! Castle BLASTS Archer off the apron, catches Dante, and hits an EXPLODER! Darius runs up, into an EXPLODER! Silver runs up, into an EXPLODER! Action runs in, EXPLODER! Vegas is fired up for Castle, Dutch runs up, but into a waistlock. Dutch elbows free, Castle falls back to the corner.

Dutch runs in, Castle dodges, and The Infantry DOUBLE GAMANGIRI! Dutch staggers, Castle BODY SHOTS! Bravo runs up to SCISSOR KICK! Dean is up top, DIVING SPLASH! Castle runs up, builds up power, and then SPLASHES down! Triple cover, but Dante and Alex break it! Dante hurries to his corner, tags in off Dutch, but Alex does the same with Castle. Alex and Dante shove each other, then throw forearms! Darius and Uno get in but they each get a forearm! Then Dante and Alex throw hands again! Silver and Action try, but Dante and Alex DECK them! The brawl is back on, Archer and Dutch get in!

Alex and Dante each hit Archer and Dutch, but they’re much bigger than the others! Archer choke grips Alex, Dutch choke grips Dante! But Uno & Action DOUBLE SUPERKICK Dutch! They DUMP Archer out, but Archer grabs Uno! Action SUPERKICKS Archer down! The Righteous regroups outside, some of the others head that way, and Alex swings on Action. Action dodges, SOBATS, then reels Alex in. Action suplexes, Alex slips free, and Alex waistlocks. Action drops down, slips under, mule kicks then front kicks! Alex ducks the roundhouse but not the ENZIGIRI! But then Silver SUPERKICKS Action!

Silver torture racks and spins, TOWER HACKER BOMB! Dean gets Silver for a full nelson, then ROLLING ELBOW! Darius runs up, blocks a kick and hits a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Castle returns to short arm LARIAT, KNEE and DDT! Darius bails out, Vinnie gets in, SIDE EFFECT! Bravo gets Vinnie in a wrench and clinch, SIDEWINDER! Uno runs up, blocks a boot, and he hands that to the ref so he can NECKBREAKER! The fans are thunderous, Dante gets in, and he hurdles Uno! Uno ends up outside, The Righteous mugs him! Dante WRECKS them all with a dropkick! Dante keeps moving, but Reynolds sends him to a corner!

Silver & Reynolds coordinate, they’re starting up that WOMBO COMBO!! Bridging cover, but Darius COMPLETE SHOTS Alex! Action breaks the pin, then he and Darius get Alex up! DOUBLE URENAGE! Darius covers, TOP FLIGHT WINS!

Winners: Action Andretti & Top Flight, by pinfall

It was fast ‘n’ furious between all four teams, and the fastest team won out! Will Action, Darius & Dante make good on some golden tickets to Arlington?

Six Woman Tag: Marina Shafir, Alex Windsor & Diamante VS Abadon, Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch!

The Problem is already hard to solve, and now she’s got British Titanium and the Cuban Diamond by her side! Will this trio be unbreakable? Or will they have some trouble with the LEGIT trio standing against them?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though barely, and the trios sort out. Leyla starts against Marina and the fans rally up. The two circle, tie up, and Leyla waistlocks to drag Marina down. Marina fights up, Leyla has a leg, but Marina’s sturdy, so Leyla lets off. They reset, knuckle lock, and Marina slips around to trip Leyla. Marina ties the legs up, floats to a headlock, but Leyla slips out the back to a waistlock. They go around, Leyla is a backpack as Marina stands up. Marina leans forward to dump Leyla off, but Leyla holds on to drag Marina down into body scissors! Marina fights free and the fans cheer the technical exchange.

The two reset and go again. Marina trips Leyla to a cover, ONE! Leyla goes to sweep but Marina jumps over! Marina pats little Leyla on the head, but that pisses Leyla off! Leyla trips Marina, rains down forearms, then she gets around to facelock. Leyla brings Marina over, Abadon tags in, and the fans fire up as the two double whip. Drop toehold then SENTON! Abadon hurries to cover, TWO! Abadon keeps Marina from her team and rains down fists! Marina gets free, goes for a leg but Abadon slips away. Abadon goes for an arm, wrenches and wristlocks, but Marina rolls. Abadon wrangles her, Marina fights up and rolls to her feet.

Abadon wrangles Marina again, using power to get the better of the technician. And then Abadon BITES Marina’s arm! The ref reprimands and Marina breaks free! Thankfully Marina’s gear has sleeves. Abadon backs off and Frost tags in. Marina tags Diamante, and these two run up. Frost wheelbarrows to arm-drag, then dodges Diamante to handspring and RANA! Diamante ends up in the corner,. Frost tags Abadon then CHOPS Diamante. Abadon throws hands, brings Diamante around, and ROCKS her with forearm after forearm! Diamante kicks low but Abadon HELL STABS! Abadon whips, Diamante reverses, and Marina gets a cheap shot in!

Abadon shrieks at Marina, but Diamante CLUBS Abadon down! Diamante stomps a mudhole into Abadon, lets off as the ref counts, and then tags Windsor. Windsor fires off hands on Abadon, then brings her around to bump Abadon off buckles. Windsor whips corner to corner, runs up, but into a BOOT! Windsor just huffs ‘n’ puffs and comes back! Windsor blocks boots, puts Abadon in ropes, and DRAPING NECKBREAKERS! Cover, TWO! Windsor CLUBS Abadon again and again, then drags her up. Tag to Marina, then snapmare for Abadon. Marina uses Windsor as a weapon, scoop SLAMon the legs!

Abadon writhes, Windsor throws down hands and Marina sucker punches Leyla! The ref keeps Leyla back, letting Windsor and Diamante stomp Abadon! Then Windsor uses Diamante as a weapon, HIP TOSS SENTON! Diamante hurries away before the ref sees, and Windsor tags Marina. Marina tags Diamante, they drag Abadon, and then Marina uses Diamante as a weapon, scoop SLAM on Abadon’s chest! Diamante eggs Leyla & Frost on, but Abadon sits up like a certain Deadman! Abadon checks her neck, dodges Diamante, then tags Frost! Frost fires up as she rallies on Daimante! ELBOW, then a tilt-o-whirl into the sunset flip! ONE, but Frost BUZZSAWS!

The fans fire up with Frost and she runs to the corner. GAMANGIRI! Diamante sits down, Frost goes corner to corner, handspring CANNONBALL! The fans fire up again and Frost covers, TWO! Diamante stays in this but Frost stays on her with a wrench. Tag to Leyla and Frost snapmares Diamante. Diamante ducks the buzzsaw, but not the HEEL KICK! Leyla then waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Windsor & Marina break it! Frost ROUNDHOUSES Marina! Frost goes out but Marina SWEEPS the legs! Windsor tags in, Leyla DECKS Marina, but then sees Windsor waiting! Leyla takes a swing, but into the RIGHT ANGLE SLAM!

Windsor hurries to cover, but Abadon breaks it! Diamante SPEARS Abadon! Windsor hauls Leyla up, but Leyla wrenches to SAIDO! Leyla puts Windsor in the drop zone, then goes up, but Diamante distracts the ref so Marina can YANK Leyla down! SHINING WINDSOR! And then the fisherman and atwist, LIBERTINE DRIVER! Cover, Windsor’s team wins!

Winners: Marina Shafir, Alex Windsor & Diamante, by pinfall

Powerful teamwork from this trio, and we know Windsor gets a big match tomorrow night on AEW Rampage against Toni Storm. Will Iron Will Windsor steal the spotlight from the Leading Lady this close to Forbidden Door? Will all three of these women be primed for title opportunities as we head for Death Before Dishonor and beyond?

ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Kingdom VS Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera!

Matt Taven & Mike Bennett are the only ones in the Undisputed Kingdom still holding gold, and they’ve gotta put in the work to prove they’re still worthy. Will they make sure ROH staystheir kingdom? Or will the #WolfZaddies be howling to the moon as they take a bite out of the champs?

The teams sort out, Mike starts against Tito and the Code of Honor is kept. The bell rings, we’re on the clock, and Tito is all fired up. They tie up, Mike headlocks, but Tito squeezes tight before he powers out. Mike RAMS Tito, Tito asks if that’s all he’s got. Mike ROCKS Tito and headlocks him! Tito powers up to lift Mike, then powers out of the headlock. They RAM shoulders again, and Mike says okay. Try this! CHOP! Tito CHOPS back! They CHOP and CHOP and CHOP, and the fans “WOO~!” with each one! Tito CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS, then he CHOPS Mike down! The fans fire up, Tito runs, but Mike dropkicks the leg out!

Tag to Taven, he runs to CLOBBER Tito! Taven tells Vegas to shut up, then he CHOPS Tito to a corner. Taven whips, Tito reverses, and he catches Taven as he goes up! Taven fights free, but Tito dodges to CHOP! Tag to Che, and the Zaddies double whip to DOUBLE FLAPJACK! That had some sauce on it! Che covers, TWO! Che keeps cool, brings Taven up, but Taven puts Che in the corner. Taven CHOPS, but Che doesn’t flinch. Taven apologizes, but he kicks low. Taven whips, Che goes up and over, and he keeps moving to then FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Cover, TWO! Taven crawls to ropes, Che storms up, and Che brings Taven up.

Che whips, Taven holds ropes to stop himself, but Che runs in. Mike tags in before Taven DUMPS Che out, then Mike swings on Che! Che gets under, Mike comes back, but into a FLAPJACKto the floor! But Taven WRECKS Che with a dropkick! The fans cheer and Taven helps Mike into the ring. Taven tags back in, and he puts Che in the ring. Che goes to the corner, Taven runs in, but Che dodges the splash! Che grabs at Taven, Taven holds ropes, and the ref counts. Che lets off but Taven sucker punches him! Tag to Bennett, the Kingdom double whips Che to ropes. Taven hurdles, Mike ROCKS Che, then Taven hits the KICK OF THE KING! Mike covers, TWO!

The fans fire up while Mike grows frustrated. Mike drags Che up, puts him in a corner, then CHOPS! And ROCKS! And CHOPS! Repeat! Mike then mule kicks Che, snapmares, and basem*nt dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Che stays in this but Mike drags him back up. Tag to Taven, The Kingdom double whips to a corner. Che bounces off buckles, Taven whips again but Che reverseshard! Taven hits buckles and falls, and the fans rally up! Che and Taven crawl, but Mike tags in first! Mike gets Che up, Che hops and LARIATS Mike down! Che crawls, the fans fire up, hot tag to Tito! The Bad Dude dodges Mike to UPPERCUT Taven in the corner!

Tito fires off forearms and CHOPS on Taven, but Mike runs up! Tito ROCKS Mike! Taven swings, Tito wrenches to a SPINEBUSTER! Mike swings, but into a BLUE THUNDER onto Taven! Tito covers Mike, TWO!! Mike survives but Tito hauls him back up. Fireman’s carry, but Mike fires elbows! Tito ELBOWS Mike back, then wrenches to a SKY HIGH! Cover, Taven breaks it! Che gets in and he TOSSES Taven out! Tito brings the straps down, Che goes up! Electric Chair Lift, but Taven SHOVES Che to the apron!! Mike slips free, fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER, and JUST THE TIP of the knee!

Taven goes up, Mike reels Tito in, HAIL MARY PILEDRIVER!! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Kingdom, by pinfall (denies the Wolf Zaddies a title opportunity)

Taven says this belt is his girl, he makes love to it every night! No one takes Taven’s girl from him! Mike says it doesn’t matter who you put against them, The Kingdom IS the best tag team in the world! But will there come a time when a tag team does come along and takes these titles away from them? Or will these titles always be undisputed?

My Thoughts:

A very good ROH here with it clocking in at an hour and 11 minutes. Surprisingly little on the promo side, with just Taya calling out Aminata for a match. Taya will definitely lose to build Aminata up towards her title match with Athena, which probably happens at Death Before Dishonor. Billie and Velvet each have momentum going into their inevitable TV title match, and it was great to see Moone back after her tournament appearance. And good Six Woman Tag, real good teamwork from the Heels in getting the win. Also, didn’t realize until double checking on Windsor’s finisher name,she is Will Ospreay’s wife, the “missus” he refers to so often.

Good tag match from Shane Taylor Promotions VS Comoroto & Watts, and of course STP won out. The whole story of Comoroto & Watts is their dysfunction because Watts puts himself above everything. But I do like that Watts is getting more and more involved as the weeks go by, so maybe at some point, Watts actually does do something meaningful in a match. Maybe. I’m a bit surprised Adora lost to Harley but I suppose Harley’s been losing plenty on AEW, she has to get something at some point.

Great stuff in the Trios Fatal 4. Castle joining up with The Infantry was certainly fun, but I was a little surprised Action & Top Flight won. This does help them keep pace with Shane Taylor Promotions as that rivalry gets going via AEW, but I thought Dark Order was gonna be the ones to get going again. Well, there’s still time before Death Before Dishonor, so they can hold many other matches to determine #1 contenders. And while The Wolf Zaddies got a good showing against The Kingdom, of course The Kingdom won the Proving Grounds match. The story, slow moving as it is, will of course be Menard & Parker getting their shot, probably at Death Before Dishonor, and there’s still a good chance The Kingdom retains. Depends on if TK cares about The Undisputed Kingdom’s story where Adam Cole wants Wardlow to protect all their titles. Feels like that moment passed, to be honest.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (6/13/24) (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.