Log In to Blackboard Learn (2024)

Watch a video about How to Log in into Blackboard Learn page

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: How to Log in into Blackboard Learn page.

Institutions have some control over what you see on the login page. However, everyone needs the same three pieces of information to gain access:

  • The web address of your institution's Blackboard Learn site
  • Your username
  • Your password

In most cases, the web address given by your institution directs you to the login page. If you're directed to another location, look for a login button or a special portal area.

On this page, learn more about:

  • Accessing your institution's Blackboard Learn site
  • Retrieving a lost or forgotten password
  • Changing your password
  • Logging out
  • Accessing your account when locked out
  • Understanding session control

Accessing your institution's Blackboard Learn site

Contact the computing help desk at your institution. Blackboard doesn't have access to your institution's Blackboard Learn site and can't help you with these types of questions.

If you're not sure how to contact them, look for the technology office on your institution's website. You can also search the web for your institution's name + Blackboard + help or support.

Retrieving a lost or forgotten password

If you forgot your password, use the Forgot Your Password?link on the login page. You must complete one of the two options on theForgot Your Password?page to obtain a new password. After you submit your information, create your new password based on instructions you receive in an email. Passwords are case sensitive, must not contain spaces, and must contain at least one special character.

Changing your password

After you log in, you can change your password. We recommend that you change your password periodically to ensure security. Don't use common personal information as your password, such as your name.

Passwords are case-sensitive, must not contain spaces, and must contain at least one special character.

Select the arrow by your name to open the menu. You can change your password from the Personal Informationlink.

Settings > Personal Information > Change Password

You can also change your password from your Profile page. Go to your profile and select Change Password.On the Change Password panel, type your old password and your new password. Select Savewhen you're finished.

If you change your system password, it won't affect any external accounts (such as Google) that you use to log in to Blackboard Learn.

When you change your password, all other sessions end to protect your security. If your account is logged in on another browser, the session is terminated and you need to log in again.

Your institution may not allow you to change your personal information, password, or settings through Blackboard Learn. Because Blackboard Learn often shares data with other systems on campus, such as the registrar's office, it may be necessary to ensure that your information is the same everywhere. In this case, your institution will have a different way to change your information. Contact your institution to learn more.

Logging out

Select the logout button next to your name.

Log In to Blackboard Learn (1)

If your institution uses single sign-on (SSO) to authenticate users in Blackboard Learn, an additional message appears when you log out. With single sign-on, you can use multiple applications after you log in to only one. The applications are set up to trust each other and share your authentication in one session. For example, your institution may let you use your Google account to log in to Learn. If you’re already logged in to Google on your current browser, Learn logs in automatically as well.

When you log out of a single sign-on session, Blackboard Learn asks you if you want to end all related sessions or continue. If you do nothing, the system ends all sessions in two minutes. If you want to continue your session, log in again.

Accessing your account when locked out

For your security, the system might lock you out if you incorrectly enter your username or password too many times or the login process takes too long.

Your institution may allow you to unlock your account if you reset your password. Select Forgot Password?and follow the instructions to reset your password and unlock your account.

If your institution doesn’t allow you to unlock your account, you need to wait until the lock period expires or contact your institution’s IT help desk to unlock your account. If you don’t know how to contact the help desk, search the web for your institution’s name + help desk. Or you can check your login page for a support link or contact information.

Understanding session control

Session timeout

When you are idle for over three hours the session ends. This could happen because the browser is not sending data to Learn. Some examples are when you are:

  • authoring a Discussion Board post
  • authoring an Assignment submission in the text editor in Learn
  • creating a Content Item

You must log in again to continue to use Learn. If you save a page or select a button, the session refreshes and stays active for three more hours.

You'll see a warning six minutes before you are signed out. Close the warning to stay active.

If you were away from the computer for an extended time you will not be able to extend your session. When you close the warning, you'll return to the current page instead of returning to the login page. This allows you to copy anything authored before it is lost. You will redirect to the login page when you select any link or button on the page.

Active session termination

If you institution enables active session termination, you are required to log in again during your session after a time specified by the system administrator of your institution. The administrator can configure this time between 3 and 24 hours. This is regardless of your activity and is meant to enhance your data security. Shortly before the session ends, you’ll receive a warning that says “Your Blackboard Learn session is about to end. Save your work and log back in.” You have the opportunity to save your work. Once you are logged out, you can log in again and continue your work.

For administrators: The feature is enabled by default for FedRAMP institutions and disabled for others. This setting can be managed in the Administrator Tools Panel > Security module > Account Lock Settings. The maximum amount of time a user session can be active has a default value of 12 hours. This timeout can be configured between three to 24 hours.
This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have turned off automatic updates on their devices must download the update.

Concurrent session control

Your institution has the option to restrict users from accessing Learn on multiple devices at the same time. If enabled, you are logged out of your Learn session if you exceed the number of concurrent sessions your institution allows. For example, if your institution allows two concurrent sessions, and you are logged onto your laptop and your phone, you are logged out of your earliest session if you log onto a third device. You will receive the message, “You are permitted to have only 2 active sessions and have been logged out from another device.”

In addition, being signed in on two separate browsers on one device counts as two concurrent sessions. If you signed into another device, it would count as a third concurrent session in this case.

For administrators: Administrators may define their preference in the Administrator Tool Panel > Security module > Account Lock Settings option. We have updated the default value for the IL4/FedRAMP boundary to 2 sessions allowed. Every other institution continues to have "Unlimited" as a default value.
This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have turned off automatic updates on their devices must download the update.

Log In to Blackboard Learn (2024)


How to access Blackboard Learn? ›

In most cases, the web address given by your institution directs you to the login page. If you're directed to another location, look for a login button or a special portal area. If you can't find your institution's site, search the web for your institution's name + Blackboard, or contact your IT help desk.

Why can't I log into Blackboard? ›

If you are having difficulty logging into Blackboard you may need to clear your web browser's cache or cookies. The instructions below are current for web browser versions as of March 2022. Web browsers are frequently updated and the instructions for your specific computer and web browser may differ.

What is the username and password for Blackboard? ›

Your Blackboard username and password will be the same as your NetID username and password. Your username will be in the following format: First initial + Last name (a number will be added in case of existing / duplicate account).

How do I create a Learn account on Blackboard? ›

Create New Account
  1. Personal Information. Title. First Name. Middle Name. Last Name. Suffix. Other Name. Email. Student ID.
  2. Account Information. Username. Password. Verify Password.
  3. Other Information. Gender. Not Disclosed. Male. Female. Birthdate. Date. Enter dates as mm/dd/yyyy. ...
  4. Submit. Click Submit to proceed. Click Cancel to go back.

How does Blackboard Learn work? ›

Participants meet in the classroom for the scheduled hours of the course, but you add some instructional activities online. Supplementary materials, such as a course syllabus, homework assignments, and optional discussions are delivered online.

Is Blackboard Learn free? ›

Blackboard Learn Pricing

They do not have a free version. Blackboard Learn offers a free trial.

Is there a Blackboard app for teachers? ›

Blackboard Instructor, a powerful app designed specifically for instructors, helps educators increase efficiency, simplify workflows and amplify student engagement.

How do I make a Blackboard class available to students? ›

Set course availability

Open a course card's menu to change your course availability. You can also change your course's status on the Course Content page. You can make your course private while you add or experiment with content, and then open it to students when you're ready.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.