Craigslist Snow Blowers For Sale (2025)

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  • John Deere X390 lawn tractor w/ powerflow bagger & 44" snowblower. 7/13·Salem n.h.. $5,900 hide. Craftsman 5 HP Snowblower in good condition 1. •••••••.

  • boston for sale "snowblower" - craigslist

2. denver for sale "snow blower" - craigslist

  • Ryobi 40V Lithium Snow Blower in excellent condition. 7/14·Castle Rock. $150

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3. new york for sale by owner "snowblower" - craigslist

  • CRAFTSMAN 24” CLEARING PATH SNOWBLOWER 179 cc. 6/15·Garden City. $375

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4. new york for sale "snowblower" - craigslist

5. New and used Snow Blowers for sale | Facebook Marketplace

  • New and used Snow Blowers for sale near you on Facebook Marketplace. Find great deals or sell your items for free.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. chicago for sale "snowblower" - Craigslist

  • Craftsman 7.25hp, Self Propelled , With Bag! $375! FOR SALE!! 6/24·Shorewood. $375

  • chicago for sale "snowblower" - craigslist

7. denver for sale "snowblower" - craigslist

8. Snow Blowers for sale in Buffalo, New York | Facebook Marketplace

  • New and used Snow Blowers for sale in Buffalo, New York on Facebook Marketplace. Find great deals and sell your items for free.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

9. Used Snow Blowers for Sale - 950 Listings - Machinery Pete

  • Find 950 used snow blowers for sale near you. Browse the most popular brands and models at the best prices on Machinery Pete.

10. chicago for sale "snow blower" - craigslist

  • Toro 38361 Power Shovel 12-in. 7.5 Amp Corded Electric Snow Blower! 1 min ago·Wheaton, IL. $77

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11. minneapolis for sale "snowblower" - craigslist

  • refresh the page. craigslist. For Sale "snowblower" in Minneapolis / St Paul. see also. Ariens 28 ...

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12. Craigslist comes through again with a snow blower and a 3-point receiver.

  • I saw a Land Pride SB1574 snow blower on Craigslist a couple of ... With current steel prices it would probably cost that much to buy the raw material!

  • I saw a Land Pride SB1574 snow blower on Craigslist a couple of days ago that was advertised as being three years old and having around 20 hours on it. I noticed that it had hydraulic chute rotation and hydraulic deflector angle and looked to be in good condition. I called the local dealer to...

13. BERCOMAC Snow Blower Farm Attachments For Sale - TractorHouse

  • Bercomac Self-Contained Snow Blower. 48" Working Width, 23hp Kohler Engine. Key Start, Electric Chute Controls, This Snowblower is ...

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Craigslist Snow Blowers For Sale (2025)


Are cheap snow blowers worth it? ›

While it makes good financial sense to find an affordable snowblower that doesn't break your budget, keep in mind that it isn't worth anything if it can't handle the amount of snow you expect to see each winter. Less expensive snowblowers, generally speaking, are made to handle smaller jobs.

What's a good CC for a snow blower? ›

Look for professional snow blowers equipped with an engine of at least 400 CCs. Pick a snow blower clearing width that fits the properties you're servicing. Biggest can be extremely efficient but it isn't always the best option for clearing diverse areas like narrow walkways.

How much should I spend on a snow blower? ›

While a snowblower costs anywhere from $100 to almost $10,000, most homeowners will pay between $250 and $2,000, but it depends on the type you want and need. Power shovels are an economical option for some assisted shoveling while areas with heavy snow might need a large gas three-stage machine for regular clearing.

How many years should a snowblower last? ›

Most high-quality snow blowers will last a minimum of 10 years, while top-of-the-line, two-stage snow blowers can give you 20+ years of use when properly cared for.

How many inches of snow before you use a snowblower? ›

At least two inches of snow should be on the ground before considering the snowblower, according to real estate company Rocket Homes. However, it also depends on what kind of snowblower you have.

Which is better 1 stage or 2 stage snow blower? ›

Single Stage Snow Blowers

Better at Handling a Few Inches of Snow — A single stage unit will be weaker than a dual stage unit, but for many homeowners that won't matter. The difference in power determines how much snow you can handle at a time. A single stage unit can only handle a few inches of snow.

How many horsepower is good for a snow blower? ›

For occasional use, snow blowers, with around 5 horsepower and one or two speeds, are generally adequate. However, if you intend to clear large amounts of snow, want to work on slopes or if the snow is quite wet, a three-stage device with 10 hp or more is recommended.

Are 3 stage snow blowers better? ›

Ideal for: Up to 23” of snow and easily handles slushy, wet or icy conditions on both smooth and gravel driveways. 3X™ three stage Advantages: Most powerful and efficient of the snow blower options that can help you get the job done 50% faster than the 2X two stage snow blower.

Are old snow blowers worth anything? ›

Can you scrap a snowblower? Yes, you can scrap a snowblower. Depending on the condition and age of the snowblower, it may be worth more to scrap than to try and resell it. Many parts of a snowblower are recyclable or have high scrap value including the motor, plastic housing, metal augers and shovels.

What to look for when buying a used snow blower? ›

Here are the top 5 things to inspect if you decide to shop for a used snow blower:
  • Size and Power. ...
  • Rust. ...
  • Maneuverability. ...
  • Ease of Start. ...
  • Belts, Tires and Recoils – Oh My!
Aug 11, 2022

Are battery snow blowers as good as gas? ›

Electric models may have less power compared to gas-powered counterparts, making them suitable for light snow (<12"), but may fail to deliver if you get heavy amounts of snowfall (a foot of snow or more), or wet snow. Battery models have limited charge. Battery-powered snow blowers have a limited battery run time.

Do I really need a snow blower? ›

But if you get three or more big snowstorms per year, or can't afford to get trapped in your house while you wait for a plow service, a snow blower (also called a snow thrower) is definitely for you.

Is it better to buy new or used snowblower? ›

If a snow blower is newer, it will likely be easier to use. As time progresses, products tend to advance in terms of reliability and features, so buying an older snow blower means it may lack key safety features, self-propulsion or all-surface operation, or it might just not throw snow far enough.

Is a 2 stage snow blower worth it? ›

For example, a two-stage may be an ideal choice for those with gravel driveways, since they don't clean all the way to the ground which helps avoid pieces of gravel getting into your snow blower's auger. It is important to also consider what features you'd like to have on your snow blower when making your purchase.

How much snow is too little for a snowblower? ›

Is there a minimum amount of snow required to use a snowblower? There is no hard and fast rule about using a snowblower on a specific amount of inches, but most snow removal experts suggest using one on 2 or more inches of snow for best results.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.